Southern Islands Discourse Meeting, 1927

Members of Yanagita Kunio’s “Southern Islands Discourse Meeting” in 1927.

The photo shows three “fathers of…,” namely the father of Japanese native folkloristics, the father of Okinawaology, and the father of modern karate. Moreover, it also shows someone who might be termed the father of karate publications…

  1. Yanagita Kunio 柳田國男 (1875–1962), called the “father of Japanese native folkloristics”
  2. Kindaichi Kyōsuke 金田一京助 (1882-1971), Japanese linguist known for his dictations of Ainu sagas
  3. Iha Fuyū 伊波普猷 (1876–1947), called the “father of Okinawaology”
  4. Funakoshi Gichin 富名腰義珍 (1868-1957), called the “father of modern karate”
  5. Okamura Senshū 岡村千秋 (1884 – 1941), interacted with Kunio Yanagida on Japanese native folkloristics and regional studies, also published many books related to folklore
  6. Uozumi Junkichi 魚住惇吉
  7. Haebaru Tsuyoshi 南風原驍
  8. Kinjō Kaneho 金城金保
  9. Nakasone Genwa 仲宗根源和 (1895-1978), political activist, publisher of books with Mabuni Kenwa, the “Karate-do Taikan” (1938) and others.
  10. Kinjō Chōei 金城朝永 (1902–1955), influenced by Iha Fuyū, particularly achieved results in Ryūkyū language studies
  11. Shimabukuro Genshichi 島袋源七 (1897-1953), researched Okinawan local customs and folklore; the “Shimabukuro Genshichi Collection” of the University of Ryūkyū comprises of 115 volumes.
Members of the “Southern Islands Discourse Meeting”, 1927. From: Naha City Museum of History (Iha Fuyū 100th Birthday Anniversary Commemoration Album, photo 129. Original from: “Asahi Graph,” 13 July 1927 issue).

Members of the “Southern Islands Discourse Meeting”, 1927. From: Naha City Museum of History (Iha Fuyū 100th Birthday Anniversary Commemoration Album, photo 129. Original from: “Asahi Graph,” 13 July 1927 issue).

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